Welcome to Ungray

Smart AI Solutions for Smarter Business

Empowering Businesses with Data-Driven Insights and Advanced Analytics so your Brand can reach its Full Potential.
ABout us

Empowering Businesses with Data-Backed Decision Making

UnGray, a Startup India recognized AI/ML Service Provider to  redefine the landscape of data-driven decision-making. We aim to empower businesses across industries to understand hidden patterns, optimise operations, and drive growth. Our expertise lies in structuring and analysing complex datasets, social conversations providing actionable insights to enhance business evolution.

Unparalleled AI-Powered Solutions for your Business Needs

UnGray aims to optimise operations and decision-making processes for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.
Data Analysis
We turn raw data into actionable insights, optimising operations and decision-making. Our AI algorithms uncover hidden patterns and trends for data-driven choices.
Employee Experience Enhancement

Give an amazing decor to your workforce with AI-driven HR solutions. Automate recruitment, onboarding, enhance employee engagement, and optimize training programs.

Digital Insights
We assist digital marketing efforts by delivering social media and web data intelligence solutions for reputation management, media monitoring, and competitor analysis, providing a holistic view of the digital landscape.
Gen AI for Customer Support
Generative AI is here to be the catalyst to your customer support. Our AI-powered chat assistants provide instant, personalized responses in multiple languages, enhancing customer satisfaction and efficiency. With features like keyword-based triggers and rapid response times, we ensure seamless customer interactions.
Marketing and Sales Optimization

Optimize your marketing and sales efforts with AI-driven solutions. From automating lead generation and nurturing to analyzing customer interactions, our platform empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions and improve ROI.

Industries Served
We cater to a diverse range of industries including technology, retail, finance, healthcare, automotive, and more. Our adaptable platform empowers businesses of all sizes to harness the power of data.
By Industry

Industries We Serve

Media and PR Agencies

Empowering media and PR strategies with UnGray‘s capabilities in audience analysis, content performance insights, and streamlined staff & client management. 

News Agencies
UnGray provides news agencies with automated news insights, trend identification, and insights into reader preferences and behaviour. Improve accuracy and efficiency.
Healthcare Industry
Transform healthcare operations with UnGray‘s chatbots for patient support, administrative task automation, and personalized patient interaction. Enhance care & workflows
Banking and Finance
Transform financial operations with UnGray‘s advanced risk assessment tools, customer support chatbots, compliance solutions, and structured internal data analytics. Enhance engagement and productivity.
UnGray provides comprehensive security solutions for businesses and law enforcement agencies alike. Services include threat detection, incident response, and cybersecurity intelligence ensure protection and responsiveness.
Other Industries
UnGray‘s AI-powered platform transforms various industries with tailored solutions, including e-commerce, education, government, and non-profits, optimizing operations and enhancing decision-making through advanced data analytics.
OUr Value

Committed to Innovation, Integrity, and Customer Success

At UnGray, we are dedicated to drive our customer to success with actionable insights through cutting-edge AI and machine learning solutions. Our commitment to innovation, integrity, and customer success drives us to build unparalleled solutions that empower businesses to make informed decisions and achieve their goals.
Our Vision

Pioneering Data Excellence

We aim to become the industry leader in data analytics and machine learning while being the trusted partner for global industries, in advanced data solutions for decision-making and business processes.
Our Mission

Empowering with Insights

Our mission is to deliver innovative AI and ML solutions that optimize operations, drive informed decision-making, and empower businesses to achieve their full potential through cutting-edge technology.
How it Works

Unlock Astonishing Results with Just 3 Simple Steps!

Free Consultations

Start with a complimentary consultation to discuss your goals and explore tailored solutions.

Discover the product

Understand your product’s requirements and objectives through detailed discovery sessions.

Wireframe & Production

Create structured wireframes and initiate production, ensuring alignment with your vision. Plan structure and execution.

Prototype Application

Develop a functional prototype to visualize and refine your application’s key features test functionality and design.

Choose UnGray for unparalleled AI-driven Solutions for informed decision-making and strategic advantage

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UnGray Technologies is Startup India Recognized.

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By Use Cases

Data Analysis

Employee Experience

Digital Insights

Gen AI for Customer Support

Marketing & Sales Optimization

By Industry

Media & PR Agencies

News Agencies

Healthcare Industry

Banking & Finance


Other Industries

By Use Cases

Data Analysis

Employee Experience

Digital Insights

Gen AI for Customer Support

Marketing & Sales Optimization

By Industry

Media & PR Agencies

News Agencies

Healthcare Industry

Banking & Finance


Other Industries